Sunday, 31 March 2013

The Devil Pays Nada?

It saddens me to have seen, while browsing on my university's creative opportunities site, that they have decided to no longer advertise unpaid internship positions.  Being a first year design student, and moving down from Glasgow to London recently, it had excited me to think that placements in top companies like Alexander McQueen and Jonathan Saunders were within my reach, payed or not.  Opportunities like this just don't exist in Scotland, and the chance to perhaps one day work with one of these design houses, even just for a few weeks, was one of the things that persuaded me that moving to London was the best for my career.  Now it seems that these companies will soon be forced to stop offering this amazing chance for people like me, due to campaigns like 'The Devil Pays Nada', which had a stall set up at my freshers fair and were out in force at the recent London Fashion Week.  

At first, I thought "yeah, what a great cause...stopping the exploitation of young students"...but now I feel differently.  I feel that these chances that would have been available to me last year or the year before are very quickly diminishing .  If these companies are forced into paying their interns by government legislation, they will just stop offering them altogether, and where does that leave the many willing under-graduates who would give anything for a shot at working with a global fashion house?  It feels extremely unfair that after having to pay triple the amount of fees as last year to start a degree course, it now seems as if there will be fewer prospects in terms of getting a few weeks industry experience on my cv.

Friday, 1 March 2013